Amstrad Emulator based on Caprice Source rewritten in C++.
▼Ncpcx | Namespace for all CPC components |
CCmdTable | Command table |
CCmdTableDef | Comand table definitions |
CColours | |
CCpc | |
CCrtc | |
CDrive | A floppy drive |
CFdc | The floppy drive controller |
CGateArray | |
CKeyboard | |
CMemMan | |
CPpi | |
CPsg | |
CRegister | |
CSector | A sector of a disk |
CSound | The sound chip of the CPC |
CTrack | A track of a disk |
CVdu | |
CZ80 | |
▼Nsdltk | SDL based Stuff |
CAudio | Manages all Audio related stuff |
CBorder | A Border represented as 8 Rects. 4 sides and 4 corners |
CButton | |
CCanvas | |
CCanvasGL | |
CCanvasStd | |
CClock | Time measurement in ms |
CColor | RGBA Color Type |
CException | Handles all Exceptions |
CExcGL | |
CExcSDL | |
CFileList | A filelist to select a file |
CFileListItem | Represents a file list entry |
CGui | Author Fred Klaus devel opme nt@fk web. de |
CImage | Image to display either on an OpenGL- or plain SDL-Surface |
CImageFont | Font created from an Image |
▼CKeyTrans | This class provides Keyboard translaation between CPC/EN/DE/SDL/WIN/LINUX |
CSeqPair | |
CLabel | A Widget with text and background color or image |
CList | A list that can hold several ListItem s |
CListItem | Represents an item which can be hold by a List |
CPixel | |
CPoint | Defines a 2D point (x, y) |
CRect | |
CSize | Defines a planar size (width, height) |
CVideo | Baseclass for all SDL Video drivers |
CVideoGL | |
CVideoStd | |
CWidget | Baseclass for all Widgets |
CDirectory | A [std::vector] for directory entries |
CFileInfo | Represents Fileattributes |
CFileName | [std::string] extension for filenames |
CPrefs | |
CRaze |